1HANDEMO.ZIP [0] DOS demo of Half-QWERTY keyboard software. Designed so that regular touch-typists can type with 1 hand (left or right), without retraining. Early test subjects have typically attained speeds between and of their regular touch-typing speed, with only a few hours of practice. Speed improves quickly over time!.
2SHIFT.ZIP [0] Japanese text code converter for text standards to Shift-JIS used most PC's. Good for EMAIL & Japanese readers/word processors.
2SHIN.ZIP [0] Converts Shift-JIS Japanese text files to Shin-JIS format.
ABBREV14.ZIP [0] Abbreviator v1.4: TSR pgm designed to expand a user defined abbreviation (up to 5 chars) into a string of chars (max 1,760); the abbreviation expansion is presented to the app system as if the characters were typed in at the keyboard; app can be any app which gets character input from the keyboard, such as a word processor, data base system, or DOS; Bill Tillberg/HiPerSoft Systems.
ADD13.ZIP [0] Strips Carriage Returns (Chr 13) From Text Files And Writes The Resulting Output To A Specified File. This Program Is Useful If You Are Transferring Files To/From Systems That Deal With Cr/Lf Combinations Differently Than Dos Does (Such As Bsd Unix).
ADDSPC1.ZIP [0] Add X Number Of Spaces Before Each Line Of Text In A File. Good To Add Margins To Text Files. Version 1.0.0.
AGTW10B.ZIP [0] The Alcor Typewriter Plus v1.0B: allows you to use your computer like a typewriter; set margins, tabs and line lengths; word-wrap; save multiple rulers to disk; supports CGA/ EGA/VGA/Monochrome/Hercules; DESQview compatible; mouse support; menu-driven w/point & shoot; Rob L. Whisonant/ The Alcor Group, Inc.
ANIMDT11.ZIP [0] Put text & numeric variables into a text file w/C source.
APNDIT10.ZIP [0] *** Append-It Version 1.0 - *** +0mple and easy to use yet extremely useful utility, which combines ASCII text files. Has thousands of uses, for example the creation of master file listings on a BBS plus many, many other endless uses. Append-It combines the contents of one ASCII text file with another to make one document. It's FAST, which means it processes files (even large documents up to 1 megabyte in size) within just seconds. (Shareware) Try.
APPNDL.ZIP [0] APPNDLXL is a pgm which reads up to 10 text files and appends them line by line, with several options, into a new output file; useful for manipulating columnar reports; Kirk R. Barrett.
ASCDBF26.ZIP [0] A table-driven utility to convert a text report file into an ASCII delimited text file suitable for importation into other programs such as Lotus 123, dBase, etc. Tables may be maintained, saved, edited, for auto batch processing. Similar to the commercial MONARCH package w/o SQL.
ASCIUTIL.ZIP [0] Utilities for comma-delimited ascii files.
ASCIZE12.ZIP [0] ASCIIZE v1.2: transforms any file to or from an ASCII-encoded form, useful when transferring a binary file via an ASCII-only medium; Mike Albert.
BDEXX200.ZIP [0] Bdexx V2.0: Text Retrieval Util Designed To Make Disk Based Documentation As Convenient & Efficient As A Printed Manual; Allows Up To 65535 Files Or 65535 Screens Of Text In A Single Library; Supports Skipping Forward & Backward Any # Of Pages; Will Write Pages Of Text Or Entire Documents To An External File; Boolean Search; Anthony W. Hursh.
BDUMP422.ZIP [0] Bdump v4.22: utility to display files in hex and ASCII or EBCDIC; search, print, navigate translate & edit the file; extract parts of the file to an extract file; Bill Kee/Kee Software.
BIGTXT.ZIP [0] Solway's Text To .exe Kit - Contains All The Software You Need To Convert Your Text Files Into Self-displaying .exes Complete With Menus And Search Facilitites. Can Handle Little And 600kb Or More Sized Text Files.
BLANK20.ZIP [0] Identify And/or Remove Blank Lines From Ascii Files.
BRX70.ZIP [0] BRX v7.0: BIBL database repair utility for BIBL v7.0+; Clyde W. Grotophorst/ GMUtant Software.
BUDDY12.ZIP [0] Buddy v1.2: Writers' companion & helper. Increases effectiveness & hlps in preventing common mistakes. Chatfield Software.
BUZPHR.ZIP [0] BUZZPHRASER-A collection of words to be strun together to form an impressive, yet possibly meaningless phrase. Hmmmm.
BYTESWAP.ZIP [0] Simple utility to swap each pair of bytes in a file; reads input file & creates a separate output file; Jim Cunningham.
CAPBUFX.ZIP [0] CAPBUF v1.41: memory-resident program that lets you capture any text screen and save it for later processing or printing.
CASEWORK.ZIP [0] Makes Upper case files Upper/Lower. Handles states and other keywords. Is FREEWARE from the author.
CD2BIB42.ZIP [0] CD2BIBL v4.2: produces a BIX (BIBL import/ export) file from CD-ROM downloads, enabling you to move CD-ROM data directly into a BIBL database; BIBL adjunct.
CFIND12.ZIP [0] Colorado Utilities Fast Text Find (CUFIND) v1.2: find a file by name or text search; toggle case sensitivity; disk/subdirectory control; wildcards; FAST!; Fred C. Hill/Micro System Solutions.
CHAR6.ZIP [0] Paste extended ASCII characters into your application without using the Alt-three digit method. Now has a key scan mode for programmers.
CHD21.ZIP [0] CHD v2.1: TSR that permits you to work with multiple fonts using MDA/HERCULES video board w/any text mode program, not only specialized graphic mode word processors; David Kogosov.
CHNG208D.ZIP [0] Change-It v2.08D: file-conversion pgm that can change from anything to anything; use it to convert word-processing files or to make mass editorial changes to files; works like find/replace of your word processor, but instead of finding/replacing only one item at a time, it will do many at once; performs conditional replacements, alternating replacements, upper/lower-case conversions, several types of deletions, and supports wildcards; EZX Distributing.
CMP100.ZIP [0] Compare V1.00: Util For Reporting Differences Between 2 Text Files On A Line-by-line Basis; Can Be Used On Any Type Of Text Files; Designed To Work Like Dec's Difference Utility; Several Cmd-line Switches; Ken Englander.
COPYROW1.ZIP [0] Copies parts of a text file to another file enter line #'s to copy. A freebee S.E.
CRAM_V32.ZIP [0] CRAM v3.2 ASCII file reducer. Prints up to 6 full pages on one sheet & allows printing. Multi-column support, for Laser Jet & Dot Matrix.
CTRAN15A.ZIP [0] C-Trans v1.5A: fast, flexible translator between any two character sets that can act either on disk files or as filter for pipes; translation tables for ASCII <--> EBCDIC translation are built in and you can create your own translation tables or modify existing ones; Klaus Hartnegg.
CZECHIT.ZIP [0] A Czech-English, English-Czech dictionary.
DDIFF32.ZIP [0] DDIFF v3.2: reports differences in files between time periods - create a benchmark today and check your files for changes tomorrow; many options include CRCs, multiple paths, automatic infobase creation for use w/Folio VIEWS or NFOLIO & more; Doug McKay.
DEPAGR11.ZIP [0] Remove form feeds from doc files & save to another file or print. Bugs fixed. V1.1.
DOCPROC1.ZIP [0] Doc-Proc v1.0 The Doc-Proc Online Document Information Retrieval System.
DOCWR130.ZIP [0] PEREIRA SOFTWARE/CYBERSYSTEMS Presents: Docwrtr v. 1.30 - Excellent ASCII document re-formatting and print- ing utility. Sysops have gratis regist- ration. No computer user should be left.
DREAM3.ZIP [0] Writer's Dream v3.0: super-pro front end for your text files that allows you to make your own electronic books, catalogs, disk-based presentations, etc.; configurable colors; automatic electronic indexing; online help; autoscroll; supports mouse; can launch pgms; Jeff Napier & Another Company.
EDICT_JE.ZIP [0] Japanese/English dictionary for use with Moke, JDIC, and others. Over 24,000 entries.
FC27.ZIP [0] FC 2.7 compares two text files and lists the differences between them line by line and word by word.Never confuses. Finds the smallest set of differences between files,etc.
FCBIN12.ZIP [0] FCBIN 1.2 compares two files of any type lists the differences between then\m byte by byte. Any type of file can be compared.
FCDOC24.ZIP [0] FCDOC 2.4 compares two English text files and lists the differences between them sentence by sentence and word by word. FCDOC ignores format differneces, so you can look at content chnages only without being distracted. Never confuses or unsynchronizes.
FCOM21.ZIP [0] FCOM (The File Combine) v2.1: util to combine multiple text files into one large text file; Rand Nowell/RaLin Enterprises.
FCOMP101.ZIP [0] FCOMP v1.01: compares two text files & displays their differences; interactive/batch modes; mouse, EGA 43 and VGA 50 support; Gamma Software.
FILCOUNT.ZIP [0] C Program That Counts Words, Chars, & Lines.
FILEFILT.ZIP [0] File Filter Version 1.0. Filters out annoying EOF characters, >128 characters or both.
FILTR14.ZIP [0] A multiple term search filter. Up to 15 strings using a total of 300 characters can be used. Hint: When searching multiple strings including blanks, at least one string must include 'o' prefix to cause print.
FINDIT01.ZIP [0] A text file FIND & EXTRACT program - Finds all occurances of a string of characters and outputs each line that contains a match, to a separate file. Great for making smaller lists from BBS allfiles list, etc... (CHEETAHWARE).
FIXCRLF.ZIP [0] Inserts CRLF after fixed length records in file & changes lone CR or LF in file to CRLF.
FIX_NLF.ZIP [0] This utility forces a line wrap at column 78 and adds a <cr> to lines that have only <lf> at the end of lines and not the <cr><lf> pairs that DOS expects. Includes C src and a dos version FIX_NLF.COM and a OS/2 2.0 version FIXNLF.EXE.
FLFCNV21.ZIP [0] FLFCNV v2.1: flat file converter that takes fixed length fields and converts them into whatever format you want; script driven; Doug McKay.
FSLICE11.ZIP [0] Fslice V1.1: Cuts Delimited Ascii Files By Columns And Writes Each Column To A Separate File; Dieter M Rike.
GARBLE10.ZIP [0] Garble v1.0: this pgm uses a password that you supply to scramble the data in a file so unauthorized people cannot read the data; George D. Yee.
GRBTXT12.ZIP [0] GrabText v1.20 Mouse Cut-and-Paste TSR Program that Allows You to Grab Text from the Screen.
GSR154.ZIP [0] GSR v1.54: global search and replace program that allows you to select a group of files to operate on; optional case-sensitivity; works w/single words or phrases and with blocks of text; Phil Barnett.
GTU16.ZIP [0] GTU - The GMUtant Text Utilities v1.6: collection of string processing utilities to convert to lower/upper case, capitalize FIRST letter of every word in file, reverse text, add a 5 char left margin, pull left margin flush, LOTS more; Waldo Grotophorst/ GMUtant Software.
HI2LO100.ZIP [0] Hi2lo Version 1.00. A Utility Used to Convert High ASCII Characters in A Text File to Eqivalent Standard ASCII Characters That Represent, as Closely as Possible, The Original High ASCII Characters.
HIGHLITE.ZIP [0] Program similar to Snipper.Com that captures text.
HSPEC201.ZIP [0] TSR - places special characters in text documents.
JCSCR310.ZIP [0] JCScroll v3.10: 11K TSR that enables you to scroll up to view text that has scrolled by; Jeffrey Chasen.
JORJ50.ZIP [0] JORJ v5.0 Phonetic Dictionary, with over 62,000 words. Customizable colors.
KEYLST20.ZIP [0] Keylist V2.00: Simple Util That Goes Through A Bibl Database & Extracts All The Keywords, Sorts Them, Then Puts Out A List Of All Titles Containing The Key Word; W. Grotophorst/gmutant Software.
KV3.ZIP [0] Japanese text file viewer. Displays and prints Japanese text files (Shift-JIS only). Requires EGA or VGA. Printers supported; Epson, 2Epson, HP Laserjet. Kanji dictionary built in (move cursor to character, press a key to display the reading).
KWS130.ZIP [0] Key Word Search, Small, Fast Util to Perform Logical And/Or/not Searches in Text or Binary Files.
KWSRC120.ZIP [0] Kws (Keyword Search) Performs Logical And/Or/Not Searches For Keywords Within Text Files. Great For Bbs Lists; Highly Flexible; Many Options.
LBTR21.ZIP [0] The LIBERATOR v2.1: transforms most PC files to standard data types as well as transforms most custom files, text files, delimited, other data formats to either DBF, SDF or delimited formats; contains utils that work w/ all file types; includes sample source files, layouts & 10 exercises to help you learn how to do your own data transformations; works on fixed & variable length record type files; Christopher Wade/Econosoft.
LOOKUP10.ZIP [0] LOOKUP ver 1.0. Searches a dictionary file, such as bigword.zip, using a soundex search.
LSTPR101.ZIP [0] Creates a new file consisting of the bottom portion of an existing file starting at a user specified point, useful for printer restarts or capturing totals from the bottom of a report; Carl J. Shinko.
MAKECR10.ZIP [0] Make Carriage-Returns. Insert <CR>'s in fixed-lebgth record files for processing by programs author.
MARG31.ZIP [0] Margarine V3.10: Util That Works With Text/ Ascii Files That Will Automatically Determine The Widest Possible Left Margin For Your Document, And Will Write A New File W/the Widest Left Margin While Still Retaining The Original Formatting; Menu-driven With Context Sensitive Help; Steenburgh/ Tay-jee Software.
MERGE210.ZIP [0] Turbo-Merge v2.1: utility to merge two files together; E. Linehan/Mike Pento/ SoftComm Systems.
MERGE30.ZIP [0] MERGE v3.0 - Merges two ASCII/ANSI files into another ASCII/ANSI file. Useful for making text files with headers and footers. BRUN30.EXE required to run. & B Enterprises.
MUD25.ZIP [0] Mud v2.5: Mac/Unix DOS translator/reformatter that will convert CR/LF to CR or CR to CR/LF; is also a general search/replace util for ASCII files that will accept a string up to 128 for the find/replace; John W. Hansen/JD Enterprises.
NLH14.ZIP [0] Natural HyperText Language v1.4 Freeware Hypertext compiler.
OUT01.ZIP [0] Shareware outline program.
OUT220.ZIP [0] Outlyne v2.20: text outline processor that also enables you to create complex directed graphs, explore their structures, and print a specification of it to file; Richard H. Smith/Software Smiths.
OUTL95.ZIP [0] OutlinePlus! V0.95: complete electronic outline preparation tool; David E. Toliver.
PBREAK.ZIP [0] Page BREAK v2.0 Breaks Text FileS Into Pages And Has Other Formatting Options.
PCWABB.ZIP [0] PC-Write 4.0 macros to load several button bars and switch between them on-the-fly.
PMSPEL22.ZIP [0] Pmspell v2.20 Spelling Program - Now Shareware.
POM230.ZIP [0] Parse-O-Matic v2.30: program that converts reports from one program into a format useful to other pgms; Timothy Campbell/ Pinnacle Software.
PROBE.ZIP [0] KeeProbe file manipulator. Display in either HEX or ASCII/EBCDIC.
PROC202S.ZIP [0] PRO-CR v2.02S: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Software; font selection not required, preview mode, online correction mode, supports 200 dpi (fax), mis-recognitions flagged supports compressed TIFF and PCX files; CGA/ EGA/VGA/Hercules; David P. Grey.
PRSRV101.ZIP [0] File Preserver 1.01 - Edit, change your files while preserving the original date/time stamp.
PS52B.ZIP [0] PSEARCH v5.2B from Patri-Soft. This great text search/file gets better with SEARCH and REPLACE!. PSEARCH is one of the fastest text search programs available with much needed flexibility for YOUR searching! TRY IT! (Asp).
PSCRIB47.ZIP [0] Prof. Scribe (Pro~Scribe) Writing Assistant * A fast, easy to use, customizable program for feedback on your writing/writing style * Feedback includes Grade Level (complexity) & Flesch Index, Wasted Words (jargon & clutter), Personal Interest Index. * Line-by-line feedback shows which sections need editing. * Registered users receive: a RAM-resident version, On-line Thesaurus, A 2nd manual (with writing tips), and MORE!.
PWRWDS15.ZIP [0] Power Words V1.5 - Text 5000 Quotes/quips At Your Fingertips - Fast! Includes Wit For Wisdom Compilation.
QLOF27.ZIP [0] QLOF v2.7: line oriented report reader that reads standard reports that have been printed to disk and translates the info into several useful outputs for import into a database or spreadsheet; can cross index, validate and standardize format & can import from several reports at the same time; Walter Killeen/Fast Entry Programming.
QREAD20.ZIP [0] QReader 2.0. Powerful On-Line text reader for publications, tutorials, reports, etc. Scroll through on-line text with PgDn, PgUp, DownArrow, UpArrow, Home, and End. Slides text left\right for text over 80 chars long. Full featured Find \ Repeat find facility displays entire page around found text. Highly configurable. Much more.
QRULER.ZIP [0] TSR That Shows The X And Y Coordinates of The Cursor.
QSR.ZIP [0] Quick Search Replace - replaces multiple strings in a file in one pass from the DOS command line.
READ28.ZIP [0] Readit Text Reading Program V2.8 - Designed For Both Sighted People And Those Who Are Visually Impaired or Use A Speech Synthesizer.
RECAP24.ZIP [0] Zips Through Datafiles, Fixes Capitalization.
REDVIEW3.ZIP [0] TSR shows on screen info that has been redirected to a file. W/ASM source.
REPSTR31.ZIP [0] Remove or modify strings in text files.
RIPPER.ZIP [0] Data manipulation tool that lets you change display format, character/integer value, jump to file position, change a long integer value and more; Mark Manning/ Network Bas Solutions.
RTRIM53.ZIP [0] RTRIM v5.3: will "Trim" all of the spacebars nulls and blank spaces that may be invisibly attached to the right end of each line of txt Robert F. Keber Jr.
SCRUB.ZIP [0] Strip any character from a file.
SNIPIT03.ZIP [0] V0.3 - ASCII File Trimmer - Trim x number of lines of the TOP or BOTTOM of any text file(s). - Multi file version! - Great for snipping logos off BBS allfiles lists that some programs leave! - - Minor bug fix.
SNIPPR26.ZIP [0] SNIPPER v2.6: Revised version of TSR to cut & save portion of screen. Original was from PCMag.
SORTIT12.ZIP [0] SortIt v1.2: text sort util that will quickly sort any text files of almost any length, & is not limited to the size of your DOS RAM; Edward E. Nolin/ Emerald Coast Software.
SPLIT27.ZIP [0] Split v2.7: configurable document splitter; Allan Marillier/CAREWARE.
SRCH33.ZIP [0] SRCH 3.3: Speedy text search utility, similar (but not identical) to the Unix "grep" program. Uses the Boyer-Moore algorithm for fast searching. Additional features: locates files based on filename; performs search and replace; recursively searches directory trees. V3.3 is a maintenance release (fixes bugs, no new features). Author: Jeff Dean.
SREP13.ZIP [0] Global Search And Replace Utility, Works on Files on Drive or Path.
SS23B.ZIP [0] ShareSpell v2.3B: stand-alone text file spelling checker w/51K+ vocabulary; 112,000+ word dictionary; shows files as it checks, gives suggestions for misspelled words; includes Dictionary Manager for editing the words you add to the dictionary; Robert Bequette/Acropolis Software.
ST2.ZIP [0] SEARCH TEXT v2.0: an ASCII text file search program; presents a color highlighted display of search words, line numbers and text lines containing the search words; the LINE option enables you to view the file from any selected line number; the program incorporates STRING, AND, OR, REPEAT options, and natural language sarches; Stephen Myslinski.
STRIPBIT.ZIP [0] A program to set or reset specific bits in ASCII text files. Very easy to use. Works well with conversion of Wordstar text to normal ASCII as default.
STRIPCR.ZIP [0] Removes the carriage returns in ascii files.
TAIL20.ZIP [0] Tail v2.0: Unix Tail emulator; fast method to read the end of a file, w/redirectable output Public domain program.
TC12.ZIP [0] TC v1.2: text compare utility which allows 2 text files to be viewed side-by side; Robert M. Peffer.
TF15.ZIP [0] Text File Formatter v1.50: small util which will optionally remove embedded control chars from ASCII text files; adjust left margins, line lengths, remove blank lines or selected control characters, replace selected control characters, break larger files into smaller ones, set page breaks and format file for all upper or lower case; Mark Vitt.
THEDESK3.ZIP [0] The Hypertext Desk Version 3.0 - an information system and tutorial on hypertext. Included are a definition of hypertext, lists (books, articles, software), a glossary and an basic approach to producing hypetext documents. This is meant to jump-start you into the exciting world of hypertexting!!!!.
THESPL30.ZIP [0] Thesaur Plus v3.0; Menu-driven TSR thesaurus data file is compressed & program is v.fast. Dictionary may be edited by the user (add/ delete any word or synonym). RAM requirement are about 24K. Also in ZIP is non-TSR versn which shares the same database of words. A very good shareware thesaurus. V3.0 says database is almost 50% larger.
TOM102.ZIP [0] TOM v1.02: free-form text retrieval program w/pull-down menus and windows, built-in fullscreen editor; search conditions can be formulated using logical operators and delimiters and wildcards such as AND, OR, NOT, *, (), "" George T. Tohme/PolySoft-Australia.
TPLUSV2.ZIP [0] Ver 2 of Textplus Utils. Utils to Sort,Find, Join,Cut,etc. ASCII Files. V2 Includes Utils to Make Csv And Fix Field Along With A Basic Report Writer.
TRIMLOG.ZIP [0] Trim text log files version 1.00. Especially effective when used with the DO script processor.
TSNR21.ZIP [0] Turbo Snr V2.1: Highly Sophisticated Program Designed To Provide You W/extensive Search & Replace Capabilities; Command Line Driven; Curtis Little.
TSR21.ZIP [0] Text Search & Replace V2.1: Small Utility Which Will Search And Replace Text In Any Size Or Type Of File; Mark Vitt.
TTLITE11.ZIP [0] TestTrak (tm) Lite V1.1 An automated testing system designed to simplify and accelerate QA testing of text based applications. Can be used to test PC software and hardware. Records keystrokes and screens. Allows single step playback and comparison or automated batch playback. Can also be used to automate PC processes. Shareware ($55) from Syscon, Inc.
TTX100.ZIP [0] TurboTxt Text File Compiler 1.00 TurboTxt creates a self viewing .COM program from DOS text files. Eliminates the need to distribute readme files with an external file viewer. Registered users do not need to pay royalties on program output. Part of the ExtraDOS Toolbox collection.
TW11S.ZIP [0] Typing World v1.1S: program designed to help you build typing speed and accuracy and learn more about typing; menu-driven; req EGA/VGA; Jeff Napier & Another Company.
TXS31.ZIP [0] Text Search And Document Retrieval Engine V3.1.
TXT2EXE.ZIP [0] Solway's Text To .exe Kit V1.4. Contains Bigtext V1.4 And Textlife V2.6 Which Is Everything You Need To Compress Book Size Files Into A Single, Neat, Self Displaying Executable File That Can Fit On A 360k Disk. A Number Of Shareware Distributors Use This Program To Produce Disk Catalogues. Bypass Publishers! Kevin Solway.
TYPT10A.ZIP [0] TypeTimer v1.0A: TSR timer/keystroke counter that is activated w/in YOUR text based word processor/editor; uses 26K RAM and can be unloaded; KIS Systems.
UD.ZIP [0] UD removes all EOLS from within text files. UD does not replace EOLS with spaces. The target file will be one long line. EOLS are Return/Linefeed characters. Decimal 13 and 10. Shareware by Lambert Klein.
UNITXT.ZIP [0] Converts UNIX text files to DOS text files by adding carriage returns before line feeds, or DOS text files to UNIX text files by removing carriage returns; includes C source code;.
UNTAB.ZIP [0] Replace Tabs with Spaces while keeping format of the text file.
US20DOC.ZIP [0] MicroSpell v2.0 stand-alone spelling checker with over 67K dictionary. 2 of 2.
VH_JARGO.ZIP [0] UNIX vh browser v1.7: hypertext browser is general, but written for the Jargon list; allows you to page forward/back through a document, and supports reference chasing so that you can easily follow chains of "See" & "See also" pointers through the text; supports mouse; currently known to work under SVr3 UNIX and DOS (with the Borland C compiler); Raymond D. Gardner/Eric S. Raymond.
VLIST.ZIP [0] VLIST library - linked lists, user interface functions, mouse functions, all source is included. This replaces picklist and menu commands in FORCE with mouseable ones!.
WORDFRQ1.ZIP [0] For the writer who is concerned with the over-repitition of words. This utility will make you aware of a possible style problem.
XFIND10.ZIP [0] XFIND v1.0: extended find filter searches for specified text strings in a file or files; accepts logical operators in search string (i.e. And/or); supports I/O redirection and piping; Leslie Houk.
XNPLUS.ZIP [0] EXTEND-A-NAME PLUS V3.10N. Document management TSR allows files to be given up to 60character names. Creates user-defined libraries via auto-popup interface. For programmers/sysops/information mgt staff. This is limited access version; registration for full access version is $59.95. By Vault Software, Inc.
_PROTYPE.ZIP [0] Great text file viewer. Allows you to view various file formats, and will also operate in a memory resident mode. Neat.